Founder, Susannah Morgan started 2024 on an urgent suspected cancer referral

With a rare (only 2,500 in UK/pa) 4cm tumour under her facial nerve, Susannah faced a significant health challenge. On 13 Nov 2024, she became the first in the UK to undergo minimally invasive surgery for a deep lobe parotid tumour, performed by Iain Nixon of Edinburgh ENT at NHS St John’s, Livingston, with support from retired Professor Mark McGurk, a leading expert in non-invasive salivary gland tumour removal.

The surgery carried inherent risks, including the possibility of permanent facial paralysis. However, thanks to meticulous planning using a hologram that was created, Susannah experienced only temporary facial paralysis, with her smile returning four weeks post-operation, ahead of expectations. As time progresses, the accompanying numbness is expected to diminish.

On 2 Dec 2024, Susannah received the relieving news that her tumour was benign. But 13,000 in the UK are diagnosed with head and neck cancer, which can have more severe outcomes. In light of this, we aim to raise a significant amount for Oracle Head & Neck Cancer UK (Charity number: 1142037), a charity that Professor McGurk is a trustee of. We will keep everyone updated on our progress.

Thank you for your support.