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YOGA'S GOT HOT - 4th Birthday Bake Off / Workshop Extravaganga - OVER 15% OFF TICKETS, Plus WIN 5 CLASSES

Yoga’s Got Hot is turning four! Four awesome years with so much growth and changes along the way.  The have organised a very special day at the studio to celebrate and hope you can join them.  The are offering four contrasting, 90min workshops, to offer something unique for everyone. 

Alongside yoga, they are inviting you to take part in our bake off. Please bake a small cake/cupcake for your chance to win a 5 Class card, valued at £50.  Your cake must be themed and include at least two of the following:

  1. Red
  2. Heart
  3. Four
  4. Vegan based

Team YGH will select a winner at the event. May the best yoga baker win. The birthday celebration day is themed on Love, happiness and joy.  After each workshop, you are invited to enjoy cake. 

Four themes: 

  1. Breath
  2. Asanas (postures)
  3. Bandas (body locks)
  4. Meditation

Whether you are completely new to yoga or want to strengthen the foundations, this workshop will take you back to the start.   This workshop incorporates four flows, (for each element), mainly concentrating on bringing fire into each sequence throughout, making this workshop powerful and re-energising, leaving you feeling perfectly balanced and sweaty.

Yoga’s Got Hot practices forms of Yoga in a heated environment and temperatures vary from 26°C-40C.

£15 or 2 for £25, instead of £30. Click here to book. 

  • Beginners 9-10.30am
  • Fire 11-1230pm (Advanced)
  • Yin Yang 1-2.30pm (Open to all)
  • Nedra & reiki 3-4.30pm (Open to all) 

4-8 Learmonth Avenue, Comely Bank, Edinburgh EH4 1DF